Sicilian food + Wine

A new restaurant from “Carlo il Salumiere”

Taste your way through Sicily’s best products in a warm and inviting atmosphere in Piazza Magione near the Santa Maria dello Spasimo in the Kalsa neighborhood of Palermo. From charcuterie boards piled high with Carlo’s favorite Slow Food Presidio cured meats and artisanal cheeses to homemade traditional Palermitan specialties, and Sicilian wines.


Seasonal produce, fruit and vegetables straight from Palermo’s 1,000-year-old market.


Italy’s best cured meats and cheeses selected with Carlo’s personal expertise of running his own salumeria for over 20 years.


Every element is carefully thought out whether it’s the Sicilian meat and fresh seafood, seasonal vegetables grown in volcanic soil, artisan cheeses, Trapani sea salt or new harvest extra virgin olive oil.

OUR Team

Carlo Napoli

Owner + Salumiere

Born and raised in the heart of Palermo’s centro storico, Carlo started working at his family’s 130-year-old ”alivàru” olive business in the Ballarò market at the age of 8. His salumeria deli brought him notoriety as “Carlo il Salumiere”, as he is known, in his tight-knit food loving community. Here at Alivàru, his passion for top-notch products shines through each dish.

Rahman Jiaur

Sous Chef

Carlo’s right-hand man, Raki knows the ins-and-outs of the business and keeps everything running smoothly. He handles all aspects of Alivàru’s kitchen management, inventory and prep work.

Linda Sarris

Behind the Scenes

With a passion for Sicily and a bit of savvy American flair, Linda puts the finishing touches on branding and marketing materials while managing our social presence and promotional partnerships.

Francesco and bartolo NAPOLI

Following in their father’s footsteps, Carlo’s two sons help with everything from assisting in the kitchen to serving tables and managing the bar. Bartolo is studying at Palermo’s Euroform school and training for a future in the restaurant business.